⭐️カップル可のお部屋探しています Looking for a room
期間: 1ヶ月程
家賃: できれば£1000以内希望
部屋: 小さいお部屋でも大丈夫です。できればダブルベッドかシングル2台希望
地域: 可能であればZone 3内
WhatsApp: +201022738257
We are looking for a room available for a couple from around 30 September - early October.
We are a 30-year-old non-smoking Japanese couple who plan to stay in London to work remotely.
*Remote, but not at home all day every day!
Duration: about 1 month
Rent: Preferably within £1000
Room: Smaller rooms are fine. Preferably a double bed or two singles.
Region: If possible within Zone 3
I look forward to hearing from you.
Please contact us via WhatsApp: +201022738257 or by Email (nociw.8@gmail.com)