11月16日(木)”Aperitivo” 飲み会:交流会
おしゃべりしながら軽いドリンクとスナックを楽しむ ”Aperitivo” アペリティーボに参加しませんか?
時間 19:00 - 22:00過ぎまで。
Dalston Junction Station (overground)から徒歩2分。
Dalston Kingsland Station (overground) からでも徒歩2分
地下鉄(Tube)をお使いの方はHighbury&islingtonでovergroundに乗り換えて二駅でDalston junctionで降ります。そこから、徒歩2分です。
バスだとLiverpool Street方面から242、243、149番に乗っていただき、Dalston Junctionで降りて下さい。
We are looking forward to seeing you !
Hey guys ,
We're holding our 6th "Aperitivo" night here at http://www.acqua7.com .
It's mainly targeted for the Japanese crew who want to meet decent people to make friends with from over here .
Feel free to come down if you want to practice or just simply speak Japanese and make friends with some new good people over a few drinks .
There's no entrance charge , but we will kindly ask you to buy a drink from the bar on arrival.
Complimentary charcuterie .
Drinks are £5~ Finest quality everything at local pub prices !