【本日開催】超豪華ゲスト! Hyper Japan after party ライブ

2023/07/21 10:53:01
Chelsea & Kensington , Notting Hill Arts club
Notting Hill Gate
21 Notting Hill Gate, London W11 3JQ

イギリスにて、歌手としてGlobal Talent Visaの取得を目指しているMioenergy(みおえなじー)


🇯🇵Hyper Japan after party 詳細🇬🇧
Place📍: Notting Hill Arts club @nhaclondon
Time⏰: 7:45-11:00pm
出演者🎤:Mika Kobayashi, Kamui, Hide Takemoto, Mioenergy @samurai.kamui @miccabose


【📢My first live gig in London🎉】I have a big news for you!!!😭✨
I am going to sing at Live music venue in London as a after party of Hyper Japan
2023 on 21st July!! @hyperjapanofficial

And also, a few Hyper Japan artists will perform as well😭✨

🇯🇵Hyper Japan after party detail🇬🇧
Place📍:Notting Hill Arts club @nhaclondon
Time⏰: 7:45-11:00pm
Performers🎤:Mika Kobayashi, Kamui, Hide Takemoto,Mioenergy @miccabose @samurai.kamui
Ticket🎫:10£(you can buy from URL till 5pm. you can buy from the venue's ticket office)

*Hyper Japan is biggest Japanese convention in London🇬🇧

Hello, I am Mioenergy who aim to get Global Talent Visa as a singer.
I am performing at Hyper Japan After Party tonight!!
Performers are so great artists (Kill Bill fighting choreographer and performer, Famous anime singer(Attack on Titan, Gundam…)!
I am happy if you see my first commemorable live performance.

I’m gonna bring my original goods (my photo ID capsule toy machine) if I could😊

Thank you!

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