Understanding native English speakers - free trial

2020/03/08 16:39:26
Murray Jacobs
ロンドンエリア外 , Cambridge

Do you ever have trouble catching what native English speakers are saying when they are talking at natural speed? Would you like to catch more the first time you hear it? The good news is that it’s something you can definitely get better at.

Would you like to catch more of what Southerners, Liverpudlians, Geordies, Scots, the Irish, the Welsh, Australians, Americans, South Africans, Indian English speakers etc. are saying?

This training is for anyone who is already interacting with native English speakers, anyone who wants to catch more of what they are hearing on TV, in films etc., anyone who is interested in regional accents, maybe before going on a trip to that region, and anyone who needs to take exams that include a listening section.

This training will be done online, but the feedback you will get is totally personalised. You will be surprised just how detailed it is!

You can have a “free” trial of any of the accents already mentioned. If there is a different accent you would like to get better at catching, let me know and, if it’s possible, I will give you a free trial of that. The training aims to be useful, interesting, and, perhaps, a rather fun challenge!

So, if you want a “free” trial, just get in touch.

Email: info@abachi.co.uk

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記事No. 13564
