日本語レッスン★ Enjoy Japanese private tuition!

2017/07/02 11:17:34
, Zone 1-2
Zone 1-2

(1) To: All and Beginners (JLPT N5)
(2) To: Intermediate learners (JLPT N2-4)
(3) To: Advanced learners (JLPT N1-2)
(4) To: All again


▼To: All and Beginners (JLPT N5)


Do you want to learn Japanese for additional practice for your Japanese course in college or university? For the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)? For better communication with your Japanese friends and partners? For the better understanding of anime and manga? Or do you use or want to use your Japanese for your business? Whatever proposes you have, I am here for you. (But I\'m teaching adult learners only!)

I\'m a qualified, experienced, native Japanese language teacher. I often use more English for beginners, but very few for the intermediate and advanced students. So far, I have taught students with all levels including total beginners and advanced students. I, myself, am in the middle of learning some languages (French and Mandarin). I love to watch Japanese anime and TV drama, to read manga and novels. I can use the textbooks you have used so far (Minnna no Nihongo, Genki, Japanese for Busy People, etc.) If your Japanese level is advanced, newspaper articles, manga, anime, TV drama, film, or novel can be also used as a \"textbook\".


▼To: Intermediate learners (JLPT N2-4)


ひらがなもカタカナもかんたんに書けるようになりましたか。漢字(かんじ)はたくさん勉強(べんきょう)しましたか? 中級には色々(いろいろ)な学生がいます。
* For those who have just past N5, the phrases above may be a bit difficult...
* 既(すで)にN2に挑戦している皆様には、上記(じょうき)の文章では物足(ものた)りないかもしれません。
That is the reason I am here for you. With one to one lesson, you can do the practice which just fits for you.


▼To: Advanced learners (JLPT N1-2)


言語は使えば使うほど上達するものです。しかしながら身近な話題を繰り返すだけでは限界があるのも事実。貴女/貴君の熟達した日本語にさらに磨きをかけるため、現代社会の一断面や皆さまの関心ある分野について日本語で討議を積み重ねてみませんか?当方西ロンドン大学(TVU)卒業(社会学学士取得)。さらに日本語を外国語として教えるTeach Japanese as a Foreign Language検定合格。経済や物理等は難しいかもしれませんが、社会・文化系の話題でしたらお任せください。


▼To: All again

* My standard rate per hour is 25 pounds, but you can have trial lessons with just 10 pounds/hour up to the first 3 hours.

* You can try and see whether my way of teaching is appropriate for you. The time and location of the lesson (Zone 1-2) is negotiable. Please contact me at the email above for the details.


20130712 182951a481
記事No. 1534
