Online Japanese School
Japaneasy is for those people who don\'t have a school where they can study Japanese nearby, don\'t have a teacher to teach them Japanese, are not able to attend a Japanese class with high fees... for students all over the world who want to study Japanese, but find studying difficult, Japaneasy offers a learning service where anyone can easily learn one on one with native Japanese teachers.
日常会話、日本への旅行準備、JLPT対策、ビジネス日本語など、 あなたのレベル・学習目的に合った方法を提供しており、大人から子どもまで世界100か国以上の様々なバックグラウンドを持った方々が毎日ここで講師と一緒に楽しく勉強しています。ぜひJapaneasyの日本語オンラインレッスンを試してみてください。
Our Lessons
・Private, and always with a native Japanese teacher
・Are conducted through Skype, so can be taken anytime, anywhere
・On your computer, tablet or smart phone
・Cost as little as \\967 per lesson
Our Teachers
・Native Japanese speakers
・Have teaching experiences in foreign countries
・Can support your study, business, and JLPT preparations
・School/Job Searching
・Daily life
・Interest in Japanese language/ Japanese culture
For more information
name: Nishikawa
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