
2025/01/25 08:50:37
Sarah Mariko

元ミスロンドン、元スキューバUK代表、日本人ハーフのSarah Marikoによる、毎日30分のパーソナルトレーニングのオンラインプログラム! 自由な時間に、いつでも可能! 1週間フリートライアル!
親しみ易いMove with Marikoのコミュニティーに加わって、美しいボディーラインを作ろう! 体力・精神力もアップ!

アプリ https://apps.apple.com/app/id6479238522

詳細はこちら https://www.movewithmariko.com/

1週間フリートライアルはこちら https://movewithmariko.gcph.tv/signup

インスタフォロー https://www.instagram.com/mariko.body?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

Move with Marikoのソックス(写真右)は、 https://www.movewithmariko.com/shop

👑About Sarah

A Senior Trainer at the prestigious Barry's Bootcamp, over lockdown Sarah took her business online and the MOVE programme was born - helping women become the very best versions of themselves.

The MOVE squad trains to BE and FEEL uptheir best. She has a realistic and sustainable approach to training and focuses on how to help women create consistency in their workouts.

Sarah has trained many celebrity clients over the years as well as women of all ages and sizes. Classes have modifications for all levels; they will be challenging, push you to your limits, and will leave you feeling amazing!

👑Day Challenge

The MOVE challenge is to hit 16 classes in 28 days - have you got what it takes?

Workouts in our challenges are all 30 minutes making them accessible for everyone. Smart programming means we maximise the time that we train and get the most out of each workout. We train hard and smart during each 28 day challenge. Workouts are designed so they can be done anywhere - at home, in the gym, in your garden or in the park.

30 minutes of exercise can completely change your day and is all you need to see both the mental and physical benefits of exercising.

The MOVE squad trains to BE and FEEL their best and I want you to start making that connection to mind and body. Build a strong body. Build a strong mind.

It’s time to level up.


Sarah Marikoのアプリは、UKでフィットネス系雑誌で最も有名な、Woman's Fitness の2024年7月号でも取り上げられました、(写真中央)

アプリは全て英語ですが、英語が全くの初心者でも全然問題無いです❣ 是非、ダウンロードして応援して下さいませ!

Img 3154
3 x crew socks
記事No. 28559
