■Coding Workshop : Webデザイン初心者コース
Are you interested in learning coding?
Is it difficult to learn?
Not with us!
Our coding workshop is both fun and easy to understand, providing step by step coaching to all those that attend.
At this workshop, you will learn coding for website design.
Places are very limited, so book now to avoid disappointment!
Ticket : https://lifeistech-workshop.eventbrite.co.uk
■Webデザイン初心者コース / Web Design Beginner Course (HTML&CSS) [for 10-18 year-old]
This is a coding workshop using MOZER, which is an online coding platform made by Life is Tech ! Children will learn how to create a web site (HTML&CSS) in an hour.
To convey the fun of creating something with technology to children by providing the opportunity to learn computer science.
- This event is aimed for teenagers from 10 year-old to 18 year-old.
- Participants will actually type codes with using keyboard in this event.
*There may be some photography during the workshop. If anyone would like to excluded from any images, please let the organiser know.
■Event Address: 34 Bloomsbury street, London WC1B 3QJ (Next to the British Museum)
■Time: Please come anytime between 16:30 to 17:30.
■Life is Tech ! (ライフイズテック)
Life is Tech ! (ライフイズテック)は、中学生、高校生のためのプログラミング・ITキャンプ/スクールです。
私たちは、「参加者全員を、将来プログラマーやデザイナーにさせたい」という目的で、Life is Tech !のプログラムを実施しているわけではありません。「IT」は、英語と同じように、これからの時代を「生きる力」であると私たちは考えています。
まずは、Life is Tech !に来てください!