Japanese homestyle cooking class ~ロンドンで和食~

2019/02/04 14:09:04
Westminster , St James's Park,Victoria

Hello everyone! I'm Japanese. I taught Japanese meales to tourists and non Japanese who work in Japan as an instructor teaching Japanese foods when I was in Japan. (You can check my instagram: cozykitchenhitomi) Now I’ve moved to London, and then just started my cooking class.
In the hands-on class, you can learn Japanese popular foods at my cozy kitchen. The class is for anyone who loves Japanese foods and wants to make Japanese foods but doesn't know where to start.
Most of recipes in my lesson are very simple and easy to cook with ingredients found at ordinary supermarkets in London and typical Japanese seasonings. So, I believe you can easily re-create them at your house. Let’s have a wonderful time with me via cooking!
Check my homepage out!!

1: Bento class £45 (3hours)・・・・お弁当アイテム4品・お握り・味噌汁
2: Ramen & Gyoza class £40(2.5hours)・・担々麺・餃子
3: Katsu don class £35(2hours) ・・・・・チキンかつ丼・選べる副菜・味噌汁
4: Teriyaki chicken don class £35(2hours) ・・照り焼きチキン丼・選べる副菜・味噌汁

<Date & Time>
You can decide when you start from 10:30am to 4pm during weekdays.
Should you want to have a lesson on weekend, please feel free to contact me on an availability.

Run at 1-3 persons in total. Please come to my kitchen with friends.
But I can accept group lesson for 4 persons and discount price for group!

Please send me a message if you are interested in this class:) I will show more details after booking.

日本人の方も大歓迎♪ 1名様からOKのプライベートクラスです^^

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記事No. 8084
