当店はプロのシェフのための包丁屋です。 このショップはシェフ歴40数年の元シェフを中心に運営しています。
当店の商品は長いシェフ経験をもとにプロが使うのに相応しい高品質、研ぎやすさ、 そして海外での使用を考えて錆びにくいものを中心に取り揃えております。
当店は日本の代理店と特約を結んでおりますので、当店ウェブショップに掲載されていない メーカー品でも日本国内で販売されている包丁その他調理道具は殆ど全て手に入ります。 正本、杉本、藤次郎、雪藤、鍔屋、正広、グレスデン、ミソノ等何でもご相談ください。 ご希望のメーカー名、品名、サイズをお知らせいただければ見積り致しします。
At Yamato Knife we sell professional grade Japanese knives. The store is run by a chef with over 40 years of professional experience.
Since our products are for professionals we have handpicked knives which are of high quality, durable and can be easily sharpened at your convenience.
Yamato Knife has an exclusive relationship with a Japanese knife and kitchen utensils supplier. We can supply many items which are not displayed on the website. For example we can provide knives produced by Sugimoto, Tojiro, Misono and many others. Therefore, if there is an unlisted brand that you would like to purchase or a Japanese kitchen utensil please get in touch with the name of the brand, the make and the size.
We can also make your knives brand new again with our sharpening service. Please get in touch to receive a quote. We can fix anything from chipped to curved blades at our workshop.