アップライトピアノ(August Forster) 売ります! Piano for sale!

2018/07/07 07:39:26
£ 3,000
+44 7538188537
Lewisham , Brocklry
68 Wickham road


August Forster
Model: Super
Serial number 152281 (made in 1980)
Size: Height 46 inch/ Depth 22 inch/ Width 60 inch


このピアノは3年前にピアノテクニシャンからプライベートで買ったもので、August Forsterという、信頼の厚いドイツのピアノ会社のピアノ(今も手作りされている)であることと、メンテナンスも行き届いていることから、コンディション、質ともに非常に良いピアノです。ドイツならではの、深みのある音と表現力は、普通にピアノショップで売られていてこの値段で買えるようなピアノとは、比べ物になりません。実際、このピアノを買うときに、偶然にも、あるロンドンのピアノディーラーが、まったく同じモデルで、同じ1980年に作られたAugust Forsterを6000ポンドで売りに出していました。弾いてみたのですが、私のピアノの方が比べものにならないほどよかったです。

私はGuildhall schoolでの院課程を終了し、プロのピアニスト、ピアノ教師として働いてきましたが、満足して練習できる良いピアノが欲しかったので、4年くらいかけて、イギリス中のPiano Dealerをまわり、プライベートのセールから果てはピアノのオークションにまで参加して、4年かけて、このピアノに巡り合いました。本当は持って帰りたかったのですが、送料が高くて断念しました。Viewingを近日中に行う予定ですので、質問等あればご連絡ください。事情があって、私はViewingに立ち会えないのですが、日本語の堪能な友人に案内してもらいますので、日本語のみでも大丈夫です。


I’m a professional pianist gained master degree from Guildhall school of music and drama.I have an excellent upright piano for sale.

August Forster
Model: Super
Serial number 152281 (made in 1980)
Size: Height 46 inch/ Depth 22 inch/ Width 60 inch

Due to my move out UK, I am looking for someone who can take over this good piano which I loved and maintained past a few years. I bought it from a piano technician privately 3 years ago for £3500.

This piano has been maintained very well and it is the best upright piano I have ever played. I was offered this piano by the piano technician when I was looking for a good piano that I can practice on well to prepare for solo concerts. Honestly it took me 4 years to find!

I went to lots of piano dealers, private sales, auctions, whatever I can think of. And having played so many pianos all over UK, I can guarantee you won't be able to find any good pianos like mine with this price range. This piano was brought to me like a miracle and I liked it very much. So I wanted to bring it back to Japan, but transferring fee costs a fortune.
The price in my mind is £3000 as I worked on this piano and it’s a bit tight to make it lower price. But I believe £3000 for this piano is not expensive considering its conditions, quality and value. For example, I once played an August Forster upright with the same model, made in the same 1980 at a Piano dealer in London and it was on sale for £6000. But its condition and quality were much worse and lower than mine. If you bought a brand-new August Forster with the same model, the price is more than £12,000. You will be enjoying this piano for a long time because August Forster is a very reliable and established piano manufacturing company in Germany and this piano has been maintained very well.

Feel free to contact me if you have questions. I am arranging viewings over next weekend.

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