12pm 6/22 Free Online ケンブリッジ大学院生によるトーク (PhDに行くべき?)

2020/06/21 21:50:16

こんにちは。教育サービス会社 AcademiaOneは6月22日(月)昼12時より、現役ケンブリッジ大学院生によるトーク(テーマ: PhDに行くべき?)イベントを行います。オンラインフリーイベントですので、お気軽にご参加ください。



This is a free online seminar called Pathway to a PhD: Should I apply to a PhD? The session will be led by Frederick, a PhD researcher from the University of Cambridge, who has more than 5 years of research experience and is also published in a peer-reviewed journal.
This seminar will focus on what a PhD in the UK feels like and the six main questions you need to ask yourself before applying for one.
For some students pursuing a PhD seems like the natural progression in their academic career, however, there are a number of factors which need to be considered before taking this decision. This seminar will also include a live demonstration, during which Frederick will show his approach when searching for a suitable PhD supervisor.
The seminar will be useful for those interested in pursuing a PhD but are also unsure if this is the most suitable progression for them. It will also advise on things to look out for during your search for a suitable PhD and will provide an important basis for your future PhD application.

記事No. 13381
