"無料" イギリス留学向け!学生寮検索・予約は uhomes.com
VR や平面図も備えており、希望大学から徒歩圏内やご予算に応じて柔軟に検索・予約が可能です。
uhomes.com は学生寮の検索に特化したグローバルプラットフォームです。
2015年1月の設立以降、高品質な物件情報を着実に拡大し、世界中の主要大学拠点で 240万件以上の
上記メールアドレスか LINE でも対応させていただきます。
また、パートナーシップにご興味がございましたら、上記URL よりご連絡をいただけますと
blog、コンサルタント直通のLINE 始めました。
LINE for Masataka:https://line.me/ti/p/x9KJX_RMCw
ATTENTION people who wants to study abroad in UK!!! Use uhomes.com to search and book student
accommodations for free.
You can search and book easily and quickly all type of accommodations in UK through our platform.
It also has VR and floor plans,and you can search and book flexibly according to your budget and
within walking distance of the university of your choice.
We supply cashback campaign too.
uhomes.com is a global platform that specializes in providing student housing options.
Since being founded in January 2015, we have been steadily expanding our network of high-quality living
spaces to offer over 2.4 million options in major university hubs worldwide.
We have a proven track record of serving over 200,000 students.
This platform is in English, however we can assign Japanese consultant who lives in the UK as your consultant.
NOTE:It might be needed time to response because of time difference.
If you have any interests for study abroad, please use our platform from the link below.
Or if you have something to not sure, please send the message to above email address or LINE.
Also, if you have any interests for partnerships please contact us from the link above.
We start the blog.
And LINE which can connect the consultant directly too.