マルコニクスのエネルギー体験 〜 マルコニクス ノータッチ ヒーリング
Marconics No Touch Healig
It is the multidimensional healing modality that can be performed on clients as an on-going therapy. This is a modality that is brought now for facilitating shedding of density, raising your vibration, stimulation of pineal and pituitary glands, so connection can be made between you and higher aspects of yourself – your higher selves.
The practitioner, serves as a bridge between you and the galactic beings of light of highest vibrational frequency only, to facilitate whatever healing is deemed necessary.
Unlike other healing modalities, where after the healing session the client powers down and the vibrational frequency returns to its original state, in Marconic No-Touch session the client benefits from the incremental lift in their vibration each time they receive the session.
While spontaneous healings can occcur, this modality is not used to treat symptoms, rather than being open to receiving “whatever healing is deemed necessary” and may occur whether that be physical, mental or spiritual.
Sessions 60 mins (in person or distance) Cost 75 pounds
This is no touch technique and client is on the table fullly dressed. No music or crystals are used in these sessions. Each person expereiences it differently.
マルコニクス ノンタッッチ ヒーリング: レベル1のみ (ハイヤーセルフクラウニングを除いて)
1 マルコニクス・ヒーリングの説明
2 カウンセリング
3 マッサージテーブルに横になっていただきます(仰向け)(ヒーリング中は上にタオルなどはかけることができませんの予めご了承ください)
4 マルコニクスエネルギーと私がつながり、光の周波数をお客様のエネルギーフィールドに送ります。
5 グランディング(この時に私が足に触れます)
6 最後にお話
※ご注意 セッション後はとても、ぼーっとなりますので、車の運転、自転車はお控えください。
所要時間 : 1時間(対面もしくは遠隔) 出張(場所による)
料金; £75